Name of Project | Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS) |
Total Investment | Rp 69.6 Trillion |
Description | Jakarta Sewerage System project will manage domestic waste treatment in 15 zones (including zones that have been in operation), with the initial focus on Zones 1 and 6. Both are targeted for operation in 2021. Zone 1 will serve the central and north areas and Zone 6 will serve the west area. Total cost of Zone 1 project is ± IDR 8 Trillion, while the development of Zone 6 will cost ± IDR 5 Trillion. Zone 1 constitutes an integrated waste treatment system consisting of: 1). Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL); 2). Piping System; and 3). House connections, with an area coverage of 4,901 Ha. IPAL for Zone 1 will be constructed in Pluit with an average capacity of 198,000 m3 per day. Currently, the acceleration of the project is focused on Zone 1. PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE As the nation’s capital city, DKI Jakarta has developed as a center of government, business, and industry. Since the development is not accompanied by the improvement of disposal system for handling wastes generated, the condition of water and sanitation in Jakarta has increasingly worsened. Currently, the coverage ratio in DKI Jakarta is only 4% of the entire area with a BOD pollution rate of 84 mg/l. This condition makes DKI Jakarta the second lowest capital city in Southeast Asia in terms of sanitation. In addition to the above, JSS is also needed to support the effectiveness of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD), which has commenced with construction. Since the development of waste water treatment plant is crucial to NCICD development, this project has become a priority to the central government with the issuance of Letter No: S-130/D.VI.M.EKON/09/2013 regarding the Acceleration of the Development of Integrated Waste Water Treatment System in DKI Jakarta, which stipulates the importance to achieve 75% coverage of waste water service area in 2022. The construction of Zones 1 and 6 will increase the area coverage of waste water service in DKI Jakarta by 20%. The commencement of the Zone 1 project preparation is aimed to have a spillover effect to the construction of other Zones. In the end, the construction of all projects in the Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS) is expected to exceed the targeted waste service coverage in DKI Jakarta. |
Latest Status | Preparation Stage |
Location | DKI Jakarta |
Source Budget | – |
Funding Scheme | State Budget, B2B, Public Private Partnership (PPP) |
Project Owner | Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta |
Planned Commence Date | 2019 |
Planned Commercial Operation | 2022 |
South Quarter, Tower B, Mezzanine Level, Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8, RT.10/RW.4, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
Ph: +62 815 629 0000
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