Ownership of IUJP (Mining Service Business License)

Business entities


*Individuals who are holders of IUJPs can only be engaged in the mining services business in consultation and/or planning activities.
Authority to Issue IUJP

Ministry of EMR / BKPM
If the mining service business activities are conducted throughout Indonesia.

If the mining service business activities are conducted in one province.
The MoEMR has delegated to BKPM the authority to issue the IUJP licences to PMA companies. The authority of BKPM as outlined in PerMen 25/2015 also includes approval of changes in status from a PMDN company to a PMA company, and vice versa.
Licence Terms and Extensions
The license Term is 5 (five) years and period of extension is 5 (five) years.
Applications for extensions of licences should be submitted, at the latest, one
month prior to the expiration of the IUJP.
Mining Service Business Sector
The activities of an IUJP include:
1. Consultation, planning, and implementation in the fields of:
1.1 Survei Tinjau (Reconnaissance)
1.2 Remote Sensing
1.3 Propeksi
2.1. Manajemen Eksplorasi
2.2. Penentuan Posisi
2.3. Pemetaan Topografi
2.4. Pemetaan Geologi
2.5. Geokimia
2.6. Geofisika
2.7. Survei Bawah Permukaan
2.8. Geoteknik
2.9. Pemboran Eksplorasi
2.10. Percontohan Eksplorasi
2.11. Perhitungan Sumber Daya dan Cadangan
3.1. Penyusunan AMDAL
3.2. Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan
4.1. Penerowongan (Tunneling)
4.2. Penyemenan Tambang Bawah Tanah
4.3. Penyanggaan Tambang Bawah Tanah
4.4. Shaft Sinking
4.5. Sistem Penerangan Tambang Bawah Tanah
4.6. Alat Gali, Muat, dan Angkut Tambang Bawah Tanah
4.7. Pemboran dan Peledakan
4.8 Fasilitas Perbengkelan
4.9. Komisioning Tambang
4.10. Ventilasi tambang
4.11. Fasilitas Pengolahan
4.12. Fasilitas Pemurnian
4.13. Jalan Tambang
4.14. Jembatan
4.15. Pelabuhan
4.16. Gudang Bahan Peledak
4.17. Fasilitas Penimbunan Bahan Bakar Cair
4.18. Sistem Penyaliran
4.19. Geoteknik
5.1. Menggunakan Truk
5.2. Menggunakan Lori
5.3. Menggunakan Ban Berjalan (belt conveyor)
5.4. Menggunakan Tongkang
5.5. Menggunakan Pipa
5.6. Menggunakan Lift
6.1. Pemantauan Lingkungan
6.2. Survei RKL/RPL
6.3. Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang
6.4. Audit Lingkungan Pertambangan
6.5. Pengendalian Erosi
7.1. Reklamasi
7.2. Penutupan Tambang
7.3. Pembongkaran Fasilitas
7.4. Penyiapan dan Penataan Lahan
7.5. Pembibitan
7.6. Penanaman
7.7. Perawatan
8.1. Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian Teknik
8.2. Audit Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pertambangan
2. Consultation and planning in the fields of:
9.1. Pengupasan, Pemuatan, dan Pemindahan Tanah/Batuan penutup
9.2. Pemberaian/ Pembongkaran Tanah/ Batuan Penutup
9.3. Pengangkutan Tanah, Penutup, Batubara, Bijih Mineral
9.4. Penggalian Mineral (mineral getting)
9.5. Penggalian Batubara (coal getting)
9.5. Geoteknik
In the performance of the mining activities, the holder of the IUJP can only perform activities for rock/topsoil stripping from the holders of an IUP-OP or IUPK-OP.
10.1. Penggerusan Batubara
10.2. Pencucian Batubara
10.3. Pencampuran Batubara
10.4. Peningkatan Mutu Batubara
10.5. Pembuatan Briket Batubara
10.6. Pencairan Batubara
10.7. Gasifikasi Batubara
10.8. Coal Water Mixer
10.9. Pengolahan Mineral
10.10. Pemurnian Mineral
10.11. Peremukan Mineral/Batuan
Penggalian. Pemuatan, dan pemindahan lapisan (stripping) batuan/tanah penutup dengan atau tanpa didahului peledakan.
Penggalian endapan mineral aluvial.
Rights, Obligations and Prohibitions of Holders of IUJP
- To change the scope of the business activities
by filing a request for a change to the MoEMR or Governor; - To perform activities in accordance with the scope of the business; and
- To obtain an extension of the IUJP once all of the requirements have been fulfilled.
- To prioritise the use of local workers;
- To prioritise the use of local subcontractors;
- To prioritise the use of local products;
- To perform activities in accordance with the scope of the business activities;
- To optimise the use of either local mining equipment or local services that are required during the course of the service and business activities;
- To perform environmental management efforts in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations;
- To prepare and submit a report of the activities to the issuer of the IUJP through a holder of the IUP/IUPK, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations;
- To perform the mining safety requirements in
accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations; - To appoint the person in charge of operations as the supreme leader in the field; and
- To have competent mining technical personnel in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
- To have an IUP, IPR, IUPK, IUPOP Specifically for Processing and/or Refining, or an IUPOP Specifically for Transportation and Sales; and
- To perform activities that are not in accordance with the
Get a Quote for Mining Service Business License / IUJP in Indonesia
Kindly fill in the form below, our consultant will get in touch as soonest.
Alternatively you can call at +62 815 629 0000 or email to [email protected]
South Quarter, Tower B, Mezzanine Level, Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8, RT.10/RW.4, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
Ph: +62 815 629 0000
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