Market Entry Services in Indonesia
Bizindo is an online platform that provide one-stop business services for foreign and local clients. Our mission is to lower their business barriers and ensure their successful in doing business in Indonesia through online and remote process.
About Bizindo in Indonesia
Since 2016, Bizindo has dedicated to serve its clients. Our core business include business entity set up, tax compliance services, immigration services (Visa and Work Permits), Translation (Sworn and Professional), Trademark, Licensing, Accounting Services, Sales & Distribution, and other supporting areas. Bizindo is a registered and legal entity of PT Bizindo Asia Global under Indonesia law.
Reasons why you should choose Bizindo as your local partner in Indonesia:
- Proven in his records to success setting up a business in Indonesia. Some are public-listed company in overseas.
- We have passion at our service and acting professionally.
- We are beyond doing the technical functions. Our consultant is understand the client's business (commercial sound), therefore at sametime can be your good "business partner" at work.
- Good service and competitive cost wise.


Jauhari Suchandra (Director) Email: [email protected]
Jauhari is a seasoned business expert. He has hold top management level at world-class companies in his last 21 years careers. His achievements are able to close high-profile transactions, setting up joint-venture, build and running factories, lead the business transformation, etc. He hold Bachelor degree in Accounting & Master degree in Business. He hold a Chartered Accountant.

Evelin Sie (Manager) Email: [email protected]
Evelin is a proven manager with 15 years experience. In her journey she helped and advised multiple companies from various industries in starting a business, export-import and assets financing. She hold a Bachelor degree of Accounting from Krida Wacana University, Jakarta.

Wataru Takahashi (Advisor) Email: [email protected]
Wataru Takahashi is a genuine processed food industry and engineer expert. He has long experience in one of the Japanese public company for almost 25 years in developing food/beverage, building factory and business development. Takahashi hold Master degree of Bio Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan.

Gary Cokins, CPIM (Advisor) Email: [email protected]
Gary Cokins is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, and author in advanced cost management and performance improvement systems. He is the founder of Analytics-Based Performance Management, an advisory firm located in Cary, North Carolina. Gary received a BS degree with honors in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research from Cornell University in 1971. He received his MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in 1974.

South Quarter, Tower B, Mezzanine Level, Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8, RT.10/RW.4, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
Ph: +62 815 629 0000
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