Working Permit & Temporary Stay Permit
This working visa is especially intended for foreigners who are going to work in Indonesia. This visa can be valid for up to 6 to 12 months.
Bizindo can provide all these IMTA and KITAS permits.
(Working Permit & Temporary Stay Permit)
Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) is an immigration status or permit issued to foreigners willing to stay in Indonesian territory for certain period of time and can be extended if required. Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) can be issued to the following on the list:
- Foreign Investors (The Company Owners)
- Foreigners working in Indonesia as Experts
- Foreigners legally married to Indonesian citizen
- Children of Foreigners legally married to Indonesian citizen
- Foreign Researches
- Dependents (wife and children) of Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) holder
- Child of Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) holder born in Indonesian territory
- Retired Foreign Citizens
Limited stay permit is given to the foreign nationals who hold temporary limited stay permit. According to article 31 Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1994 concerning Visa, In Permit, and Immigration Permit, limited stay permit is one of the immigration license given to the foreigner to stay in the Republic of Indonesia within the period of time. Limited stay permit issued by the appointed Director General of Immigration or Immigration Officials. The applications to obtain the Limited Stay Permit filed through the Head of the Immigration Office by filling in the list and attach the related documents.
With this visa, a foreigner may actively work and generate an income in Indonesia. This visa will need to be sponsored by an eligible company who has obtained the permit of employing a foreigner (IMTA). This kind of visa is highly recommended if you are employed in Indonesia.
List of Work Scope (Expatriate Work Permits)
1. Expatriate Worker Utilization Plan (RPTKA)
2. Recommendation of work permit (Pre-IMTA)
3. Expatriate Working Permit (IMTA)
4. Telex Visa (Working Visa)
5. Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS)
6. Multiple Exit Re-entry permit (MREP)
7. Police Report Certificate (STM)
8. Residential Permit Card (SKTT)
9. Expatriate Residence Report (LK)
Get a Quote for Working Permits (IMTA & KITAS)
Kindly fill in the form below, our consultant will get in touch as soonest.
Alternatively you can call at +62 815 629 0000 or email to [email protected]
South Quarter, Tower B, Mezzanine Level, Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8, RT.10/RW.4, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
Ph: +62 815 629 0000
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