Indonesia Tax Guide

Indonesia taxation system is based on residency. An individual or entity who has met certain criteria must register for a certain tax identification number (NPWP) to carry out its taxation rights and obligations. 

The Indonesia Tax Guide (a Concise Guide)

Tax Rates
A flat rate of 22% applies for fiscal year 2021 and reduced to 20% starting fiscal year 2022. Public companies that satisfy a minimum listing requirement of 40% and other conditions are entitled to a tax cut of 3% off the standard rate.
Small enterprises, i.e. corporate taxpayers with an annual turnover of not more than Rp 50 billion, are entitled to a 50% discount of the standard tax rate which is imposed proportionally on taxable income of the part of gross turnover up to Rp 4.8 billion. Enterprises with gross turnover of not more than Rp 4.8 billion are subject to Final Tax at 0.5% of turnover.

Taxation on Certain Offshore Income
Indonesian tax residents are generally taxed on a worldwide income basis. However, the following offshore income may be exempted from income tax if it is reinvested or used for business activities in Indonesia within a certain period:

  • Income received by an Indonesian taxpayer from a PE abroad;
  • Dividends paid by companies abroad; and
  • Active business income received by an Indonesian taxpayer from abroad (not from a PE or foreign subsidiary).

Controlled Foreign Companies
Certain income of a Controlled Foreign Companies (CFCs) are subject to deemed dividend rules in Indonesia. This income includes dividends, interest, rentals, royalties, and gains from sales or transfer of assets, with certain limitations. A CFC is a foreign entity that is at least 50% owned by an Indonesian taxpayer or at least 50% collectively owned by Indonesian taxpayers. The scope of CFC income also covers income from indirectly owned CFC with a minimum of 50% ownership by another CFC, or collective ownership by a number of CFCs (including under the same or different Indonesian taxpayers).

Capital Allowances

Expenditure incurred in relation to assets with a beneficial life of more than one year are categorized and depreciated from the month of acquisition by the consistent use of either the straight-line or the declining-balance method.

Intangible property or costs, including the cost of extending building use rights, rights for business use, rights for use and goodwill with a useful life of more than one year, should be amortised on the following bases, as appropriate:
a. Using the straight line or the declining balance method at the rates specified in categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 under Depreciation (above) based on the useful life of the property that is applicable for:

  • general intangible assets;
  • the costs of incorporation and expansion of the capital of an enterprise; and
  • the capitalised costs incurred before the commencement of commercial operations, with a useful life of longer than one year. Classification into the appropriate category is determined on the basis of the nearest useful life.

b. Using the production unit method on costs incurred in the acquisition of the right to oil and natural gas concessions, mining rights, forest concessions, and other rights to exploit natural resources and natural products with a beneficial life of longer than one year. Other than for oil and natural gas concessions, the amortisation may not exceed 20% per annum.

Assets Arising from Tax Amnesty Program
Indonesia has rolled out Tax Amnesty program from 1 July 2016 to 31 March 2017 and any newly declared assets under this program cannot be depreciated or amortised for tax purposes.

Disallowed Deductions
These include:

  1. Benefits-in-kind (BIKs) (e.g., free housing, 50% of the acquisition and maintenance costs of certain company provided cars), except food and drink provided to all employees, employee benefits required for job performance such as protective clothing and uniforms, transportation costs to and from the place of work, accommodation for ship crew and the likes, the cost of providing BIKs in remote areas, and 50% of the acquisition and maintenance costs of cellular phones;
  2. Private expenses;
  3. Non-business gifts and aid, except certain religious contributions/alms and certain donations;
  4. Provisions, except for: provision for doubtful accounts for banking and certain financial institutions, provision
    for insurance companies, deposit security provision for the Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan/LPS), reclamation provision for mining companies, forestation provision for forestry companies, and area closure and maintenance provision for industrial waste processing businesses;
  5. Income tax payments;
  6. Tax penalties;
  7. Profit distributions;
  8. Employer contributions for life, health and accident insurance and contributions to unapproved pension funds, unless the contributions are treated as part of the taxable income of employees;
  9. Expenses relating to income which is taxed at a final rate, e.g., interest on loans relating to time deposits;
  10. Expenses relating to income which is exempt from tax, e.g., interest on loans used to buy shares where dividends to be received are not subject to income tax;
  11. Salaries or compensation received by partnership or firmas members where their participation is not divided into shares.

Debt to Equity Ratio
A single ratio of 4:1 is generally applicable, which means the amount of debt allowable in order to obtain full deductibility of the financing cost is limited to four times the equity amount.

Losses may be carried forward for a maximum of five years. The carrying back of losses is not allowed. Tax consolidation and group relief is not available.

Profit distributions
Tax is liable to be withheld from dividends as follows:
a. Resident recipients:
Dividend received from an Indonesian company is non-tax object if it is received or earned by:

  • Resident individual taxpayers who reinvest it in Indonesia within certain period; and/or
  • Resident corporate taxpayers.

b. Non-resident recipients:
20% (lower for treaty countries) final withholding tax is due on dividends paid to a non-resident recipient.

Deemed profit margins
The following businesses have deemed profit margins for tax purposes:

Transfer Pricing
The Income Tax Law defines related parties as:

  1. Taxpayer has capital participation directly or indirectly at least 25% upon another Taxpayers; the relationship between Taxpayers through ownership at least 25% upon two or more Taxpayers; or relationship between two or more Taxpayers mentioned later;
  2. Taxpayer controls the other Taxpayer or two or more Taxpayers are under the same control, either directly or indirectly; or
  3. There are family relationship either blood relationship or by marriage in vertical and/or horizontal lineage of one degree.

Transactions between related parties must be consistent with the arm’s length principle.

The MoF issued a new regulation dated 30 December 2016 regarding transfer pricing documentation which requires taxpayers under certain criteria to prepare transfer pricing documentation, namely: Master file, Local file, and Country-by-Country Report (CbCR). The Master file and Local file must be available if requested by the DGT, while the summary must be attached to the Corporate Income Tax Return (CITR) of the tax year concerned. The Notification of the CbCR obligation and the CbCR itself (if required) must be submitted to the tax office within 12 months after the end of a tax year.

Income Tax on E-commerce and Electronic Transaction Tax
Foreign e-commerce players with a significant economic presence in Indonesia can be deemed as having a Permanent Establishment (PE) in Indonesia. If a PE cannot be deemed to exist under the existing rules of an applicable Tax Treaty, affected e-commerce players will be subject to an Electronic Transaction Tax (ETT). ETT will be imposed on direct sales or sales through the marketplace.

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