Indonesia Negative List of Investment
This Negative List is intended to accelerate both foreign and domestic investments distributed across Indonesia and to develop the country’s competitiveness in the international market.
Indonesia Negative List of Investment (a Concise Guide)
Effectively since 18 May 2016, the Indonesian Government through Presidential Regulation (PR) No.44 Year 2016 (PR-44) has stipulated the new Negative List of Investment (NLI). This PR-44 revokes the previous PR on NLI (i.e. PR No.39 Year 2014/PR-39). The issuance of this new NLI is based on the 10th Economic Policy Package announced by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in February 2016 and is intended to accelerate both foreign and domestic investments distributed across Indonesia and to develop the country’s competitiveness in the international market. At the same time, this new NLI is also aimed at protecting national strategic businesses, as well as nurturing Indonesian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
On 2 February 2021, the President of the Republic of Indonesia issued Presidential Regulation No. 10 of 2021 on Investment Lines of Businesses (“New Positive List”) and it will take effect on 4 March 2021.
Conditions that annul requirements for business lines open for investment
PR-44 stipulates that business lines open with specific requirements will be completely open for investment if they meet the following conditions:
- the investment is made indirectly or through a portfolio the transactions of which are conducted in the domestic capital market; or
- the investment is conducted in Special Economic Zones, except for those businesses reserved for SMEs.
Changes in capital ownership
PR-44 also sets out the limit of capital ownership by a foreign investor in the event of a merger, acquisition or consolidation. Moreover, PR-44 also sets provisions for the actions that may be conducted by a foreign investor when its capital ownership exceeds the maximum limits due to capital increase for the purpose of business
Grandfathering clause
The implementation of investments on business lines regulated in PR-44 is not applicable for investments which have been approved prior to the issue of PR-44, unless that provision is more beneficial for the investment.
List of business fields regulated in the Indonesia Negative List of Investment
Below are the details in the NLI that are relevant to foreign direct investment into Indonesia:
List of Business Fields That Are Closed To Investment
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Sector |
1 | Growing of Marijuana | 01289 | Agriculture |
2 | Fishing of species of fish listed in Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) | 10719 | Forestry |
3 | Salvage of valuable artifacts from shipwrecks | 52229 | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
4 | Gathering (taking) of coral from nature for construction materials/lime/calcium and souvenirs/jewellery as well as living coral or dead coral (recently dead coral) from nature | 03117 | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
5 | Manufacture of chloro alkali with mercury process | 20111 | Industry |
6 | Manufacture of active ingredients of pesticides: Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT), Aldrin, Endrin, Dieldrin, Chlordane, Heptachlor, Mirex, dan/and Toxaphene. | 20211 | Industry |
7 | Manufacture of industrial chemicals and Manufacture of Ozone Depleting Substances | 20119 | Industry |
8 | Manufacture of chemicals listed in the Chemical Weapons Convention as provided in Law Number 9 of 2008 concerning Use of Chemicals and Prohibition on Use of Chemicals as Chemical Weapons | 20119 | Industry |
9 | Manufacture of alcoholic hard liquor | 11010 | Industry |
10 | Manufacture of alcoholic beverages: Wine | 11020 | Industry |
11 | Malt beverages | 11031 | Industry |
12 | Provision and operation of terminals for passenger land transport | 52211 | Transportation |
13 | Provision and operation of weigh stations | 52219 | Transportation |
14 | Telecommunications/aids to shipping navigation and vessel traffic information system (VTIS) | 52221 | Transportation |
15 | Provision of air navigation services | 52230 | Transportation |
16 | Performance of testing of types of motor vehicles | 71203 | Transportation |
17 | Management and operation of radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbit monitoring stations | 61300 | Communications and Informatics |
18 | Governmental museums | 91021 | Education and Culture |
19 | Historical and archaeological remains (temples, Sultan’s palaces, inscriptions, ruins, ancient buildings, etc.) | 91023 | Education and Culture |
20 | Gambling/casinos | 92000 | Tourism and Creative Economy |
List of Business Fields That Are Conditionally Open, Reserved or for Partnership with Micro, Small, and Medium Business and Cooperatives (MSMBC)
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions | Sector |
| Growing of staple food crops with an area of more than 25 Ha: | |||
1 | Rice | 01121 01122 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
2 | Corn | 01111 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
3 | Soybeans | 01113 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
4 | Groundnuts | 01114 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
5 | Green beans | 01115 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
6 | Other food crops (cassava and sweet potatos) | 01135 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
| Plantation breeding with an area of less than 25 Ha: | |||
7 | Jatropha curcas | 01299 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
8 | Other sweetener crops | 01137 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
9 | Sugar cane | 01140 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
10 | Tobacco | 01150 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
11 | Textile raw materials and cotton | 01160 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
12 | Other crops not elsewhere classified | 01299 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
13 | Cashews | 01220 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
14 | Coconut palms | 01261 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
15 | Oil palms | 01262 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
16 | Beverage crops (tea, coffee and cocoa) | 01270 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
17 | Peppercorns | 01281 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
18 | Cloves | 01282 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
19 | Essential oil crops | 01284 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
20 | Medicinal/pharmaceutical crops (other than horticulture) | 01285 01286 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
21 | Other spice crops | 01289 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
22 | Rubber and other trees for extraction of sap | 01291 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
| Plantation farming with an area of less than 25 Ha: | |||
23 | Other sweetener crops | 01137 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
24 | Sugar cane | 01140 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
25 | Tobacco | 01150 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
26 | Textile raw materials and and cotton | 01160 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
27 | Cashews | 01220 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
28 | Coconut palms | 01261 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
29 | Oil palms | 01262 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
30 | Beverage crops (tea, coffee and cocoa) | 01270 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
31 | Peppercorns | 01281 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
32 | Cloves | 01282 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
33 | Essential oil crops | 01284 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
34 | Medicinal/pharmaceutical crops (other than horticulture) | 01285 01286 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
35 | Other spice crops | 01289 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
36 | Rubber and other trees for extraction of sap | 01291 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
37 | Other plantation farming | 01299 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
| Manufacture with specific capacities: | |||
38 | Manufacture of dried clove buds | 01630 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
39 | Manufacture of crude vegetable and animal oils (edible oils) | 10490 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
40 | Manufacture of copra, fiber, coconut shell charcoal, dust, nata de coco | 10421 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
41 | Manufacture of coconut oil | 10422 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
42 | Manufacture of palm oil | 10431 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
43 | Manufacture of cotton fiber | 01630 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
44 | Manufacture of cotton seeds | 10490 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
45 | Manufacture of peeling, cleaning, drying, and sorting of plantation products (cocoa beans and coffee beans) | 10399 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
46 | Manufacture of cashews for dried cashew nut and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) | 10614 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
47 | Manufacture of peppercorns for dried white peppercorns and dried black peppercorns | 10614 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
48 | Manufacture of cane sugar, sugar cane top and sugar cane bagasse | 10721 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
49 | Manufacture of black tea/green tea | 10763 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
50 | Manufacture of dried tobacco leaves | 12091 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
51 | Manufacture of rubber for sheets, concentrated latex | 22122 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
52 | Manufacture of rude jatropha oil | 20294 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
53 | Breeding and raising of swine (pigs) of less than or equivalent to 125 in number | 01450 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
54 | Breeding and raising of native chickens, and crossbreeding | 01463 | Reserved for MSMBC | Agriculture |
55 | Operation of other plantation forests (inter alia, sugar palms, candlenuts, tamarind seeds, charcoal raw materials, cinnamon) | 02119 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
56 | Gathering (processing) of forest products: Oleo pine resin | 02303 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
57 | Gathering (processing) of forest products: Bamboo | 02308 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
58 | Production of swallow nests in nature | 01469 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
59 | Sawmiling and planing of wood (production capacity of up to 2000 M3/year) | 16101 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
60 | Processing of rattan (Primary industry) | 16104 | Reserved for MSMBC | Forestry |
61 | Forest production: rattan | 02131 | Partnership | Forestry |
62 | Forest production: oleo pine resin | 02132 | Partnership | Forestry |
63 | Forest production: bamboo | 02134 | Partnership | Forestry |
64 | Forest production: shorea javanica | 02135 | Partnership | Forestry |
65 | Forest production: agarwood | 02136 | Partnership | Forestry |
66 | Production of shellac, alternative food crops (sago), gums, and honeybee farming | 02139 | Partnership | Forestry |
67 | Production of silkworm cocoon (natural silk farming) | 01492 | Partnership | Forestry |
68 | Hatchery of sea fish | 03212 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
69 | Hatchery of brackishwater fish | 03252 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
70 | Hatchery of freshwater fish | 03236 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
71 | Rearing of sea fish | 03211 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
72 | Rearing of brackishwater fish | 03251 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
73 | Rearing of freshwater fish | 03221 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
74 | Processing of fishery products (Fish Processing Units): Salting/drying of fish and biota from other waters | 10211 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
75 | Processing of fishery products (Fish Processing Units): Smoking of fish and biota from other waters | 10212 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
76 | Processing of fishery products (Fish Processing Units): Fish yeasting/fermentation and other, cooked products (for extraction and fish jelly) | 10215 10779 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
77 | Processing of fishery products (Fish Processing Units): Processing of minced fish and surimi | 10216 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
78 | Marketing, distribution, wholesale, and export of fishery products | 46206 | Partnership | Marine Affairs and Fisheries |
79 | Processing of fish: boiling of fish | 10214 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
80 | Manufacture of soybean fermented foods in cake form | 10391 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
81 | Manufacture of soybean curds | 10392 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
82 | Manufacture of perishable prepared cakes (deep-fried, boiled or steamed cakes) | 10792 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
83 | Manufacture of foods from soybeans and beans (leguminous), other than soy sauce, tempe (soybean fermented cakes) and tahu (soybean curds) | 10793 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
84 | Manufacture of krupuk (crackers), keripik (flakes), peyek (biscuits fried in spiced flour) and the like | 10794 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
85 | Manufacture of palm sugar/Javanese sugar/red sugar | 10722 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
86 | Milling (peeling and cleaning) of roots and tubers | 01630 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
87 | Dyeing of yarns of natural fibers or man-made fibers for dyed/imprinted yarns, ikat, with handlooms | 13122 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
88 | Printing of fabrics | 13133 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
89 | Manufacture of hand-drawn batik | 13134 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
90 | Manufacture of knitted/crocheted fabrics, especially lace | 13911 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
91 | Embroidery | 13912 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
92 | Plaiting materials of rattan and bamboo | 16291 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
93 | Plaiting materials of plants other than rattan and bamboo | 16292 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
94 | Manufacture of wood carving, except furniture | 16293 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
95 | Manufacture of kitchenware of wood, rattan and bamboo | 16294 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
96 | Products of wood, rattan, cork not elsewhere classified | 16299 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
97 | Manufacture of traditional musical instruments | 32201 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
98 | Manufacture of mukena, scarves, headscarves, and other traditional apparel | 14111 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
99 | Smoking of rubber | 22121 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
100 | Manufacture of clay household goods, specifically for earthenware | 23932 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
101 | Manufacture of hand tools for agricultural hand tools for land preparation, production process, harvesting, post-harvest, and cultivation, except mattocks and spades | 25931 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
102 | Carpentry and cutting hand tools, with manual or semi-mechanical process | 25932 25933 25934 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
103 | Maintenance and repair of motorcycles other than those integrating with sale of motorcycles (agents / distributors) | 45407 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
104 | Repair of personal and household goods | 95220 95240 95290 | Reserved for MSMBC | Industry |
105 | Manufacture of copra | 10421 | Partnership | Industry |
106 | Manufacture of pickled fruits and vegetables | 10311 | Partnership | Industry |
107 | Manufacture of soy sauce | 10771 | Partnership | Industry |
108 | Manufacture of powdered and sweetened condensed milk | 10520 | Partnership | Industry |
109 | Manufacture of stamped batik | 13134 | Partnership | Industry |
110 | Manufacture of processed rattan | 16104 | Partnership | Industry |
111 | Manufacture of preserved rattan, bamboo and the like | 16103 | Partnership | Industry |
112 | Manufacture wooden goods (builders’ carpentry and joinery) (manufacture of mouldings and construction material components) | 16221 | Partnership | Industry |
113 | Manufacture of essential oils | 20294 | Partnership | Industry |
114 | Manufacture of dried tobacco and processed tobacco | 12091 | Partnership | Industry |
115 | Manufacture of clay/ceramic bricks | 23921 | Partnership | Industry |
116 | Manufacture of other clay/ceramic products | 23939 | Partnership | Industry |
117 | Manufacture of lime | 23942 | Partnership | Industry |
118 | Manufacture of articles of cement | 23951 | Partnership | Industry |
119 | Manufacture of articles of lime | 23952 | Partnership | Industry |
120 | Manufacture of other articles of cement and lime | 23959 | Partnership | Industry |
121 | Manufacture of nails, bolts and nuts | 25952 | Partnership | Industry |
122 | Manufacture of components and parts of engines/ turbines (prime movers) | 28113 | Partnership | Industry |
123 | Manufacture of pumps and compressors | 28130 | Partnership | Industry |
124 | Manufacture of two-and three-wheeled motor vehicle components and fittings | 30912 | Partnership | Industry |
125 | Manufacture of bicycle and pedicab fittings | 30922 | Partnership | Industry |
126 | Manufacture of agricultural machine tools with medium technology such as paddy threshers, corn shellers, and hand tractors | 28210 | Partnership | Industry |
127 | Manufacture of wooden ships for marine tourism and fishing | 30111 30120 | Partnership | Industry |
128 | Manufacture of devices and fittings of wooden ships for marine tourism and fishing | 30113 | Partnership | Industry |
129 | Manufacture of jewelry articles of precious metal for personal use | 32112 | Partnership | Industry |
130 | Manufacture of jewelry articles of precious metal for non-personal use | 32113 | Partnership | Industry |
131 | Manufacture of jewelry articles of non-precious metal for non-personal use | 32120 | Partnership | Industry |
132 | Manufacture of precious stones | 32111 | Partnership | Industry |
133 | Manufacture of handicraft not elsewhere classified | 32903 | Partnership | Industry |
134 | Recovery of non-metal materials | 38302 | Partnership | Industry |
135 | Manufacture of cane sugar (white sugar, refined sugar and raw sugar) from sugar cane, through partnership, in a nucleaus-plasma system, with 20% of farmland area | 10721 | Partnership | Industry |
136 | Construction services (construction contractors) with simple and medium technology and/or small and medium risks and/or work value of up to Rp50,000,000,000 | 00000 | Reserved for MSMBC | Public Works |
137 | Business services/construction consultancy services with simple/medium technology and/or small/medium risks and/or work value less than Rp10,000,000,000 | 00000 | Reserved for MSMBC | Public Works |
138 | Retail sale via mail order houses and via internet | 47911 47912 47913 47914 | Partnership | Trade |
139 | Travel agents | 79111 | Reserved for MSMBC | Tourism and Creative Economy |
140 | Homestays | 55130 | Reserved for MSMBC | Tourism and Creative Economy |
141 | Art studios | 90001 | Reserved for MSMBC | Tourism and Creative Economy |
142 | Tour guides | 79921 | Reserved for MSMBC | Tourism and Creative Economy |
143 | Radio and television community broadcasters | 60102 60202 | Reserved for MSMBC | Communications and Informatics |
144 | Home and building cable wiring | 43212 | Reserved for MSMBC | Communications and Informatics |
145 | Internet cafés | 61994 | Reserved for MSMBC | Communications and Informatics |
Business Fields That Are Open under Specific Conditions
There are 16 business fields that are open under specific conditions:
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- Energy and Mineral Resources
- Industry
- Defense and Security
- Public Works
- Trade
- Tourism and Creative Economy
- Transportation
- Communications and Informatics
- Finance
- Banking
- Employment
- Education
- Health
Kindly find the details in the table below.
List of Business Fields That are Open under Specific Conditions:
There are 16 business fields that are open under specific conditions:
A. Agriculture
B. Forestry
C. Marine Affairs and Fisheries
D. Energy and Mineral Resources
E. Industry
F. Defense and Security
G. Public Works
H. Trade
I. Tourism and Creative Economy
J. Transportation
K. Communications and Informatics
L. Finance
M. Banking
N. Employment
O. Education
P. Health
Kindly click in the table for details.
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
| Growing of staple food crops (breeding/seeding) with an area of more than 25 Ha: | ||
1 | Rice | 01121 01122 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 95% b. The nucleus is subject to sourcing at least 20% of its production from the plasma/smallholders |
2 | Corn | 01111 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
3 | Soybeans | 01113 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
4 | Groundnuts | 01114 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
5 | Green beans | 01115 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
6 | Other food crops (cassava and sweet potatos) | 01135 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
| Growing of food crops with an area of less than 25 Ha: | ||
7 | Rice | 01121 01122 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
8 | Corn | 01111 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
9 | Soybeans | 01113 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
10 | Groundnuts | 01114 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
11 | Green beans | 01115 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
12 | Other food crops (cassava and sweet potatos) | 01135 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
| Plantation breeding with an area of 25 Ha or more: | ||
13 | Jatropha curcas | 01299 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
14 | Other sweetener crops | 01137 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
15 | Sugar cane | 01140 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
16 | Tobacco | 01150 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
17 | Textile raw materials and and cotton | 01160 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
18 | Cashews | 01252 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
19 | Coconut palms | 01261 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
20 | Oil palms | 01262 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
21 | Beverage crops (tea, coffee and cocoa) | 01270 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
22 | Peppercorns | 01281 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
23 | Cloves | 01282 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
24 | Essential oil crops | 01284 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
25 | Medicinal/pharmaceutical crops | 01285 01286 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
26 | Other spice crops | 01289 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
27 | Rubber and other trees for extraction of sap | 01291 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
28 | Other crops not elsewhere classified | 01299 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
| Plantation farming with an area of 25 Ha or more up to a specified area size without processing units under the laws and regulations: | ||
29 | Growing of jatropha curcas | 01299 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
30 | Growing of other sweetener crops | 01137 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
31 | Growing of sugar cane | 01140 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
32 | Growing of tobacco | 01150 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
33 | Growing of textile raw materials and cotton | 01160 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
34 | Growing of other crops not elsewhere classified | 01299 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
35 | Growing of cashews | 01252 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
36 | Growing of coconut palms | 01261 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
37 | Growing of oil palms | 01262 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
38 | Growing of beverage crops (tea, coffee and cocoa) | 01270 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
39 | Growing of peppercorns | 01281 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
40 | Growing of cloves | 01282 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
41 | Growing of essential oil crops | 01284 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
42 | Growing of medicinal/pharmaceutical crops | 01285 01286 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
43 | Growing of other spice crops | 01289 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
44 | Growing of rubber and other trees for extraction of sap | 01291 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
| Plantation farming in an area of 25 Ha or more, integrating with processing units with a capacity equivalent to or exceeding the specific capacities: | ||
45 | Growing of cashews and manufacture of dried cashew nuts and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) | 01252 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
46 | Growing of peppercorns and manufacture of dried white peppercorns and dried black peppercorns | 01281 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
47 | Growing of jatropha and manufacture of jatropha oil | 01299 20294 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
48 | Growing of sugar cane, manufacture of cane sugar, sugar cane top and sugar cane bagasse | 01140 10721 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
49 | Growing of tobacco and manufacture of dried tobacco leaves | 01150 12091 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
50 | Growing of cotton and manufacture of cotton fiber | 01160 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
51 | Growing of coconut palms and manufacture of coconut oil | 01261 10423 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
52 | Growing of coconut palms and manufacture of copra, fiber, coconut shell charcoal, dust, nata de coco | 01261 10421 10773 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
53 | Growing of oil palms and manufacture of palm oil (CPO) | 01262 10432 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
54 | Growing of coffee and manufacture of coffee bean peeling, cleaning and sorting | 01270 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
55 | Growing of cocoa and manufacture of cocoa bean peeling, cleaning and drying | 01270 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
56 | Growing of tea and manufacture of black tea/green tea | 01270 10763 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
57 | Growing of cloves and manufacture of dried clove buds | 01282 10772 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
58 | Growing of essential oil crops and manufacture of essential oil | 01284 20294 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
59 | Growing of rubber and manufacture of sheets, concentrated latex | 01291 22121 22122 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
60 | Growing of grains other than coffee beans and cocoa beans and manufacture of grain peeling and cleaning other than coffee beans and cocoa beans | 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
| Manufacture with a capacity equivalent to or exceeding the specific capacities: | ||
61 | Manufacture of crude vegetable and animal oils (edible oils) | 10411 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
62 | Manufacture of copra, fiber, coconut shell charcoal, dust, nata de coco | 10421 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
63 | Manufacture of coconut oil | 10423 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
64 | Manufacture of palm oil | 10432 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
65 | Manufacture of peeling, cleaning, drying, and sorting of plantation products (cocoa beans and coffee beans) | 10399 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
66 | Manufacture of cane sugar, sugar cane top and sugar cane bagasse | 10721 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
67 | Manufacture of black tea/green tea | 10763 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
68 | Manufacture of dried tobacco leaves | 12091 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
69 | Manufacture of rude jatropha oil | 20294 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
70 | Manufacture of cotton fiber and cotton seeds | 01630 10490 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
71 | Manufacture of rubber for sheets, concentrated latex | 22121 22122 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
72 | Manufacture of cashews for dried cashew nut and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) | 10614 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
73 | Manufacture of peppercorns for dried white peppercorns and dried black peppercorns | 10614 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
74 | Manufacture of dried clove buds | 01630 | Same with above: max. 95%, 20% plasma |
75 | Growing of annual fruit crops | 01139 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
76 | Growing of Grapes | 01210 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
77 | Growing of tropical fruits | 01220 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
78 | Growing of citrus fruits | 01230 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
79 | Growing of apples, pome and stone fruits | 01240 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
80 | Growing of berries | 01251 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
81 | Growing of annual vegetables | 01139 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
82 | Growing of perennial vegetables | 01253 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
83 | Growing of drug crops | 01285 01286 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
84 | Growing of mushrooms | 01139 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
85 | Growing of floriculture crops | 01194 01302 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
86 | Growing of annual fruits | 01132 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
87 | Growing of grapes | 01210 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
88 | Growing of tropical fruits | 01220 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
89 | Growing of citrus fruits | 01230 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
90 | Growing of apples, pome and stone fruits | 01240 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
91 | Growing of berries | 01251 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
92 | Growing of leafy vegetables (inter alia, cabbages, mustard, scallion, celery) | 01131 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
93 | Growing of root vegetables (inter alia, shallot, garlic, potatoes, carrots) | 01134 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
94 | Growing of fruit-bearing vegetables (inter alia, tomatoes, cucumbers) | 01133 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
95 | Growing of chili peppers, paprika | 01283 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
96 | Growing of mashrooms | 01136 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
97 | Growing of ornamental plants | 01193 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
98 | Growing of non-flower ornamental plants | 01301 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
99 | Processing/ manufacture of horticultural crops: Post-harvest of fruits and vegetables | 10311 10320 10313 10314 10330 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
100 | Horticultural research and quality test laboratories | 72102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
101 | Horticultural agrotourism activities | 93231 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
102 | Horticultural post-harvest services | 01630 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
103 | Retail sale of flower arrangement/florists/decorators | 47761 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
104 | Horticultural development consultants | 70209 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
105 | Horticultural landscaping | 43305 71100 81300 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
106 | Horticulture courses services | 85499 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
107 | Research and development on agricultural genetic resources sciences and engineering | 72102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
108 | Research and development on GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) products sciences and engineering (genetic engineering) | 72104 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
109 | Breeding and raising of swine (pigs) of more than 125 in number | 01450 | Specific locations specified by the Ministry of Agriculture |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
110 | Operation of hunting preserves in hunting parks and hunting blocks | 93193 93229 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
111 | Captive breeding of animals and plants and conservation institutions | 0172 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
112 | Exploitation of natural tourism through provision of ecotourism facilities, activities and services within the forestry areas, including water tours, natural adventure tours, and Spelunking tours | 93241 93242 93243 93249 93223 93222 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 51% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
113 | Technological development of plant and wildlife genetic manipulation | 72102 | Subject to adopting cooperation declaration with accredited institutions/laboratories in Indonesia/national research and development institutions designated by the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
114 | Manufacture of sawn timber with a production capacity above 2000 M3/year | 16101 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
115 | Manufacture of venner | 16214 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
116 | Manufacture of plywood | 16211 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
117 | Manufacture of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) | 16212 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
118 | Manufacture of wood chips | 16299 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
119 | Manufacture of wood pellets | 16295 | Subject to a constant raw materials supply recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
120 | Exploitation of timber forest products of natural forests | 02120 | Domestic capital: 100% |
121 | Growing of and trade in breeds and seedlings of forest trees/plants (export and import of breeds and seedlings of forest trees/plants) | 46207 | Domestic capital: 100% |
122 | Exploitation of water environmental services in forest areas | 02209 | Domestic capital: 100% |
123 | Catching of and trade in plants and wildlife from natural habitats | 01711 01712 01713 01714 01715 | a. Domestic capital: 100% b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
124 | Capture fisheries with a fishing ship in Indonesian waters and high seas | 03111 | Domestic capital: 100%, and subject to a special license/permit from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries on fishery resources allocation and fishing coordinates |
125 | Sea sand quarrying | 08995 | Domestic capital: 100% |
126 | Aquaculture of coral / ornamental coral reef | 01727 | Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
127 | Oil and gas construction services: Platform | 09100 | Foreign investment: Max. of 75% |
128 | Oil and gas construction services: Spherical tanks | 09100 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
129 | Oil and gas construction services: Onshore oil and natural gas upstream production installation | 09100 | Domestic capital: 100% |
130 | Oil and gas construction services: Onshore pipeline installation | 42219 | Domestic capital: 100% |
131 | Oil and gas construction services: Offshore pipeline installation | 42219 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
132 | Oil and gas construction services: Horisontal / vertikal tanks, onshore oil and natural gas strorage and marketing installation | 42914 | Domestic capital: 100% |
133 | Oil and gas, geologic and geophysical surveying services | 71102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
134 | Geothermal surveying services | 71102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
135 | Onshore oil and gas drilling services | 09100 | Domestic capital: 100% |
136 | Offshore oil and gas drilling services | 09100 | Foreign investment: Max. of 75% |
137 | Geothermal drilling services | 06202 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
138 | Oil and gas support services: Well operation and maintenance services | 09100 | Domestic capital: 100% |
139 | Oil and gas support services: Oil and gas design and engineering services | 71102 | Domestic capital: 100% |
140 | Oil and gas support services: Technical inspection services | 71204 | Domestic capital: 100% |
141 | Geothermal operating and maintenance services | 09900 | Foreign investment: Max. of 90% |
142 | Power generation of < 1 MW | 35101 | Domestic capital: 100% |
143 | Small-scale power generation (of 1 – 10 MW) | 35101 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
144 | Geothermal power generation with a capacity of ≤ 10 MW | 35101 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
145 | Power generation of > 10 MW | 35101 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% Max. of 100% in case of Government-Private Cooperation during a concession period) |
146 | Power transmission | 35102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% (Max. of 100% only in the scope of the Government-Private Cooperation during a concession period) |
147 | Power distribution | 35103 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% (Max. of 100% only in the scope of the Government-Private Cooperation during a concession period) |
148 | Power installation consultancy | 71102 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
149 | Power construction and installation: Electrical utility construction | 42213 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
150 | Power construction and installation: High / extra-high voltage electrical installation | 43211 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
151 | Power construction and installation: Low / medium voltage electrical installation | 43211 | Domestic capital: 100% |
152 | Operation and maintenance of electrical installation | 43211 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
153 | Testing and analysis of electrical installation: Electrical utility construction and high / extra-high voltage electrical installation | 71204 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
154 | Testing and analysis of electrical installation: Low / medium voltage electrical installation | 71204 | Domestic capital: 100% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
155 | Maintenance and repair of cars | 45201 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
156 | Manufacture of clove cigarettes | 12011 | Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Industry: a. For business expansion, only for a cigarette industry holding an Industrial Business License (IUI) of the similar business field; or b. For new investment, only for a small- and medium scale cigarette industry in partnership with a large-scale cigarette industry holding an Industrial Business License of the similar business field |
157 | Manufacture of Non-clove cigarettes | 12012 | Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Industry: a. For business expansion, only for a cigarette industry holding an Industrial Business License (IUI) of the similar business field; or b. For new investment, only for a small- and medium scale cigarette industry in partnership with a large-scale cigarette industry holding an Industrial Business License of the similar business field |
158 | Manufacture of other cigarettes | 12019 | |
159 | Manufacture of (wood) paper pulp | 17011 | Allowed to source raw materials from plantation forests (HTI) or from chips imported only in case of domestic insufficiency |
160 | Manufacture of securities (inter alia, bank notes paper, cheque paper, watermark paper) | 17013 | a. Subject to an operating permit from the Coordinating Agency for Elimination of Money Forgery / the State Intelligence Agency; and b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Industry |
161 | Printing of money and special printing/securities documents (inter alia, postage stamps, duty stamps, negotiable instruments, passports, demographical and hologram documents) | 18112 | a. Subject to an operating permit from the Coordinating Agency for Elimination of Money Forgery / the State Intelligence Agency; and b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Industry |
162 | Manufacture of cyclamates and saccharine | 20119 | Subject to regulations issued by the Food and Drug Agency and the Ministry of Trade |
163 | Manufacture of special inks | 20293 | a. Subject to an operating permit from the Coordinating Agency for Elimination of Money Forgery / the State Intelligence Agency; and b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Industry |
164 | Lead smelting | 24202 | Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Industry for industries using used battery raw materials |
165 | Manufacture of crumb rubber | 22123 | Subject to a special permit from the Minister of Industry only if integrated into the development of rubber estates: a. Subject to sourcing raw materials of at least 20% of the production capacity from own rubber farms; and b. Subject to sourcing raw materials not exceeding 80%, in a partnership system, at least 20% of the total farm area shall be a plasma farm |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
166 | Manufacture of raw materials for explosives | 20114 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49%, and 51% for State-Owned Companies b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Defense |
167 | Manufacture of main and/or ancillary components | 20292 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49%, and 51% for State-Owned Companies b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Defense |
168 | Manufacture of components and/or supplies | 20292 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49%, and 51% for State-Owned Companies b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Defense |
169 | Manufacture of main equipment | 25200 25934 30300 30400 | a. Domestic capital: 100% b. Subject to a recommendation from the Ministry of Defense
170 | Security consulting services | 74909 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to an operating permit from the Police Headquarters |
171 | Provision of security guards, cash and valuables escort, provision of security services with animals | 80100 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to an operating permit from the Police Headquarters |
172 | Security systems device services | 80200 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to an operating permit from the Police Headquarters |
173 | Security education and training services | 85499 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to an operating permit from the Police Headquarters |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
174 | Construction services (construction contractors) with high technology and/or high risks and/or work value of more than Rp50,000,000,000 (CPC 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, dan/and 518) | 00000 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
175 | Construction consultancy services with high technology and/or high risks and/or work value of more than Rp10,000,000,000 (CPC 8671, 8672, 8673, 8674, dan/and 9403) | 00000 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
176 | Drinking water services (collection, purification/treatment, supply) | 36001 | Foreign investment: Max. of 95% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
177 | Retail trade in cars, motor cycles, and commercial vehicles | 45103 45104 45403 45404 | Domestic capital: 100% |
178 | Retail trade in car parts and accessories, motor cycles, and commercial vehicles | 45302 45406 | Domestic capital: 100% |
179 | Supermarkets with retail space of less than 1,200m2 | 47111 | Domestic capital: 100% |
180 | Minimarkets with retail space of less than 400m2, including convenience stores dan community stores | 47111 | Domestic capital: 100% |
181 | Department stores with retail space of 400 m2 – 2,000m2 | 47191 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67%; and b. Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Trade only if: 1. Located in the mall and not stand-alone; 2. Addition of outlet stores shall be based on export performance (pay performance) |
182 | Retail sale of jewelry | 47735 | Domestic capital: 100% |
183 | Retail sale of antiques | 47746 | Domestic capital: 100% |
184 | Retail sale of water transport equipment and components and fittings | 47795 | Domestic capital: 100% |
185 | Retail sale in non-supermarkets or non-minimarkets | 47112 | Domestic capital: 100% |
186 | Retail sale in non-department stores | 47192 | Domestic capital: 100% |
187 | Retail sale of textiles | 47511 47512 | Domestic capital: 100% |
188 | Retail sale of games and toys in stores | 47640 | Domestic capital: 100% |
189 | Retail sale of cosmetic articles | 47725 | Domestic capital: 100% |
190 | Retail sale of footwear | 47712 | Domestic capital: 100% |
191 | Retail sale of electronics | 47861 | Domestic capital: 100% |
192 | Retail sale of food and beverages | 4722 4724 | Domestic capital: 100% |
193 | Other retail sale of any kind of product via electronic system (e.g. alcoholic beverages) | 47919 | Domestic capital: 100% |
194 | Commission agents | 46100 | Domestic capital: 100% |
195 | Property/real estate brokers | 68200 | Domestic capital: 100% |
196 | Distributor’s sale not affiliated to production | 00000 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
197 | Warehousing | 52101 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
198 | Cargo condition survey | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
199 | Survey on means of land, sea, and air transportation and equipment | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
200 | Technical and industry survey, including engineering | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
201 | Ecological survey | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
202 | Survey on financing objects or warehousing [and stock] supervision | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
203 | Destructive/non-destructive testing | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
204 | Quantity survey | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
205 | Quality survey | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
206 | Supervision survey on supervision of activity process according to the prevailing or agreed-upon standards | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
207 | Public opinion polling and market research | 73200 | a. Domestic capital: 100% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
208 | Renting and leasing of means of land transportation (rental without operator) | 77100 | Domestic capital: 100%
209 | Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment | 77305 | Domestic capital: 100%
210 | Renting and leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment | 77306 | Domestic capital: 100% |
211 | Renting and leasing of office machinery and equipment (including computers) | 77307 | Domestic capital: 100% |
212 | Renting and leasing of other machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (power generating machinery, textile machinery, metal/woodworking machinery, printing machinery, and electric welding machines) | 77309 | Domestic capital: 100% |
213 | Building cleaning services | 81210 | Domestic capital: 100% |
214 | Washing and (dry-) cleaning | 96200 | Domestic capital: 100% |
215 | Hair cutting | 96111 | Domestic capital: 100% |
216 | Beauty salons | 96112 | Domestic capital: 100% |
217 | Sewing | 96991 | Domestic capital: 100% |
218 | Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support services | 82190 | Domestic capital: 100% |
219 | Wholesale of alcoholic beverages/hard liquor (importers, distributors, and sub-distributors) | 46333 | Subject to holding/having: a. An Alcoholic Beverage Trading License b. A distribution network and dedicated places |
220 | Retail sale of alcoholic beverages/hard liquor | 47221 | Subject to holding/having: a. An Alcoholic Beverage Trading License b. A distribution network and dedicated places |
221 | Non-store (sidewalk trading) retail sale of alcoholic beverages/hard liquor | 47826 | Subject to holding/having: a. An Alcoholic Beverage Trading License b. A distribution network and dedicated places |
222 | Alternative trading system | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
223 | Alternative trading system parties | 00000 | Domestic capital: 100% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
224 | Operation of museums (CPC 96321) | 91022 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
225 | Operation of historical and archaeological remains, such as temples, Sultan’s palaces, inscriptions, ruins, ancient buildings | 91024 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
226 | Travel bureaus (CPC 7471) | 79120 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
227 | Catering | 56210 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
228 | Two-star hotels | 55114 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
229 | One-star hotels | 55115 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
230 | Non-star hotels | 55120 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
231 | Motels | 55199 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
232 | Billiards houses (CPC 964) | 93111 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
233 | Bowling alleys (CPC 964) | 93111 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
234 | Golf courses (CPC 96413) | 93112 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
235 | Art galleries | 90006 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
236 | Art theaters | 90006 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
237 | Impresario services (CPC 96191) | 90004 |
238 | Operation of karaoke | 93292 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
239 | Operation (exploitation) of coin/card-operated games | 93293 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
240 | Organization of Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition (MICE) (CPC 87909) | 82301 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
241 | SPA services | 96122 | Foreign investment: Max. of 51% |
242 | Operation of natural tourism objects other than in conservation areas | 91034 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
243 | Motion picture advertising, advertisements, posters, stills, photographs, slides, negatives, banners, pamphlets, balihos, folders etc. (CPC 871) | 73100 | a. Domestic investment: 100% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 51% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
244 | Land general freight transport | 49431 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
245 | Land Special freight transport | 49432 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
246 | Passenger land transport on scheduled routes (intercity and interprovincial transport, suburban/rural transport, in-province intercity transport, urban/suburban/rural transport, and cross-border transport) | 49211 49414 49213 49214 49215 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
247 | Passenger land transport on non-scheduled routes (taxi transport, tourism transport, specific destination transport, specific area transport) | 49421 49221 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
248 | Domestic sea transport | 5011 5013 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
249 | International sea transport | 5012 5014 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
250 | International passenger sea transport (excluding cabotage) (CPC 7211) | 50121 50122 50123 | Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
251 | International freight sea transportation (excluding cabotage) (CPC 7212) | 50141 50142 50143 | Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% |
252 | Interprovincial general inland water transport | 50214 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
253 | Interprovincial pioneering inland water transport | 50215 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
254 | Interdistrict/intercity general inland water transport | 50216 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
255 | Interdistrict/intercity pioneering inland water transport | 50217 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
256 | Inner district/city general inland water transport | 50218 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
257 | Passenger river and lake transport with scheduled and regular routes | 50211 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
258 | Passenger river and lake transport with non-scheduled and irregular routes | 50212 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
259 | Tourism river and lake transport with non-scheduled and irregular routes | 50213 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
260 | River and lake general freight and/or animal transport | 50221 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
261 | Special freight river and lake transport | 50222 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
262 | Hazardous freight river and lake transport | 50223 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
263 | Provision of harbour facilities (jetties, buildings, tugs at cargo container terminals, at liquid-bulk terminals, at dry-bulk terminals, and at Roll on-Roll off (Ro-Ro) terminals | 52221 52222 52223 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Transportation for the minimum capital requirement |
264 | Provision of harbour facilities, i.e., waste reception facilities | 52109 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
265 | Salvage and/or underwater works | 52229 | Subject to a special permits from the Ministry of Transportation |
266 | Supporting transport business in terminals | 52211 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
267 | Airport services | 52230 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
268 | Air transport support services (computer-based reservation system, passenger and cargo ground handling, and aircraft leasing) | 51102 51202 52240 77304 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
269 | Service activities related to airports | 52230 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
270 | Loading and unloading of goods services (maritime cargo handling services under CPC 7412) | 52240 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70% c. Applicable only for ASEAN countries in 4 (four) ports of the territory of eastern Indonesia, i.e Pelabuhan Bitung, Pelabuhan Ambon, Pelabuhan Kupang, and Pelabuhan Sorong |
271 | Freight forwarding services | 52291 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
272 | Air freight forwarding services | 52294 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
273 | Airline general sales agents (GSA) | 79112 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
274 | Provision and operation of inland water harbours/piers | 52223 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
275 | Provision and operation of river and lake harbours/piers | 52222 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
276 | Small-scale shipping | 50135 | Domestic capital: 100% |
277 | Domestic scheduled commercial air transport | 51101 51102 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. The national capital shall outnumber the whole foreign capital (single majority) |
278 | International scheduled commercial air transport | 51101 51102 51103 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. The national capital shall outnumber the whole foreign capital (single majority) |
279 | Non-scheduled commercial air transport | 51104 51105 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. The national capital shall outnumber the whole foreign capital (single majority) |
280 | Non-commercial air transport | 51109 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. The national capital shall outnumber the whole foreign capital (single majority) |
281 | Performance of periodic testing of motor vehicles | 71203 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
282 | Operation of passenger land transport terminal facilities (public facilities and general cargo terminals only) | 52211 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
283 | Multimode transport | 52295 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
284 | Wired telecommunications services | 61100 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
285 | Wireless / satellite telecommunications services | 61200 61300 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
286 | Wired/wireless/satellite telecommunications services integrating with telecommunications services | 61921 61922 61923 61929 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
287 | Content telecommunications services (ringtone, premium short message services, etc) | 61911 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
288 | Call centers and other added-value telephony services | 61919 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
289 | Internet service providers | 61921 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
290 | Data communications services | 61922 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
291 | Public internet telephony services | 61923 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
292 | Internet interconnection services (Network Access Point), other multimedia services | 61929 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
293 | Public broadcasters: Radio | 60101 | Monopolized by public broadcasters: Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), and local public broadcasters (LPPL) |
294 | Public broadcasters: Television | 60201 | |
295 | Providers, operators (operation and renting) and telecommunications tower construction service providers | 42217 | Domestic capital: 100% |
296 | Publishing of newspapers, and magazines, bulletins (press) | 58130 | Domestic capital: 100% |
297 | Private broadcasters | 60102 | a. For business expansion and development only b. Foreign investment: Max. of 20% |
298 | Subscription broadcasters | 60202 | |
299 | Postal / courier services | 53101 53102 53202 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
300 | Electronic trade transaction providers (platform-based market place, daily deals, price grabber, online classified ads) with an investment value of less than Rp100,000,000,000 | 00000 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
301 | Investment finance companies | 64929 64910 | Foreign investment: Max. of 85% |
302 | Working capital finance companies | 64992 | Foreign investment: Max. of 85% |
303 | Multi-purpose finance companies | 64922 64923 | Foreign investment: Max. of 85% |
304 | Venture capital | 64991 | Foreign investment: Max. of 85% |
305 | Loss insurance companies | 64991 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
306 | Life insurance companies | 65111 65112 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
307 | Reinsurance companies | 65121 65122 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
308 | Insurance loss appraisal companies | 66210 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
309 | Insurance agent companies | 66221 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
310 | Insurance brokerage companies | 66222 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
311 | Reinsurance brokerage companies | 66225 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
312 | Actuarial consulting companies | 66291 | Foreign investment: Max. of 80% |
313 | Guarantee companies | 64993 | Foreign investment: Max. of 30% |
314 | Non-bank money changers | 66197 | Domestic capital: 100% |
315 | Money market brokerage companies | 64190 | Subject to a special permit from the Financial Services Authority |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
316 | Conventional banks | 64125 64126 | Subject to a special permit from the Financial Services Authority |
317 | Sharia banks | 64131 | Subject to a special permit from the Financial Services Authority |
318 | Conventional small business banks | 64127 | a. Domestic capital: 100% |
319 | Sharia small business banks | 64133 | Domestic capital: 100% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
320 | Domestic employment services for Indonesian personnel (such as registration, recruitment, formalities, lodging for pre-departure orientation, departure, placement and repatriation of personnel) | 78101 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
321 | Supply of workers [processs of registration, recruitment, formalities (inter alia, employment agreements), negotiation for a job with job providers, to employ workers, such as, cleaning services, security services, catering services and other support services] | 78200 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
322 | Job training (to provide, have access to, increase, develop job competency, productivity, discipline, manner and work ethics, inter alia, technics and engineering vocation, commerce, language, tourism, management, information technology, arts and agriculture directed to provide workforce with knowledge to enter the world of work) | 85499 85492 85493 85494 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
323 | International employment services for Indonesian migrant workers (process of recruitment, formalities, education and training, lodging, departure preparation, departure and repatriation of the Prospective Indonesian migrant workers | 78102 | Domestic capital: 100% |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
324 | Pre-primary education | 85132 85133 | Under Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning The National Education System and its ancillary regulations |
325 | Private primary education | 85121 | |
326 | Private first-level secondary schools | 85122 | |
327 | Private general secondary education | 85220 | |
328 | Private vocational secondary education | 85240 | |
329 | Private degree program higher education | 85321 | Under Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and its ancillary regulations |
330 | Private nondegree program higher education | 85322 |
No. | Business Field | ISIC | Conditions |
331 | Manufacture of patent medicines | 21012 | Foreign investment: Max. of 85% |
332 | Medical devices testing institutions | 71205 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
333 | Acupuncture services facilities | 86901 | Foreign investment: Max. of 49% |
334 | Pest control/Fumigation services | 86903 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
335 | Medical and ambulantory evacuation services | 86904 | Foreign investment: Max. of 67% |
336 | Manufacturers of narcotics (manufacture of pharmaceuticals) | 21012 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
337 | Wholesale of narcotic pharmaceuticals | 46693 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
338 | Processing of traditional medicines | 21022 | Domestic capital: 100% |
339 | Manufacture of traditional medicines/natural extracts | 21022 | Domestic capital: 100% |
340 | Wholesale of pharmaceutical raw materials | 46693 | Domestic capital: 100% |
341 | Pharmacies, drugstores, health equipment stores, and opticians | 47722 47723 47733 | Domestic capital: 100% |
342 | Basic medical clinics: Private maternity hospitals, clinic general medical services/general medical clinics, residential health services, and basic medical service facilities | 86103 86104 86109 | Domestic capital: 100% |
343 | Hospitals | 86103 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70%; and c. Allowed throughout the capital cities of the provinces in Eastern Indonesia, except Makassar and Manado |
344 | Basic and specialist medical clinics: Clinic specialized medical services (CPC 9312), clinic specialized dental services (CPC 9312), nursing Services (CPC 93191), other hospital services (medical health clinics) | 86109 86202 86203 86901 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 67% b. Foreign investment by ASEAN countries’ investors: Max. of 70%; and c. Allowed throughout the capital cities of the provinces in Eastern Indonesia, except Makassar and Manado |
345 | Wholesale of medical devices | 46693 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 49% b. Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
346 | Manufacture of medical devices: Class A (Wadding, bandages, gauze, canes, infusion stands, sanitary napkins, adult diapers, hospital beds, wheelchairs) | 21012 | a. Foreign investment: Max. of 33% b. Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
347 | Manufacture of medical devices: Class B (Surgical masks, hypodermic needles, patient monitors, condoms, surgical gloves, hemodialysis liquid, PACS, surgical knives) | 21012 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
348 | Manufacture of medical devices: Class B (IV catheters, X Ray, ECG, patient monitors, orthopaedic implants, contact lens, oximeters, densitometers) | 21012 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
349 | Class D (CT Scan, MRI, cardiac catheters, cardiac stents, HIV Test, Pacemakers, Dermal Fillers, Ablation Catheters) | 21012 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
350 | Tissue and cellular banks and laboratories | 86903 | Subject to a special permit from the Ministry of Health |
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